Drop-Off & Collection Lockers

Keytracker’s affordable range of Drop-Off and Collection Lockers

Use Keytracker’s affordable range of Drop-Off and Collection Lockers within your Business to open up additional business opportunities whilst also creating a contactless service solution to keep customers and staff safe

Implement this simple and easy to use IP65 solution at your organisation to accommodate 24/7 key, parcel and other item drop off and collection.

Use KT Drop-Off and Collection lockers to;

  • Open up your business up to those customers that cannot attend during standard working hours
  • Remove human interaction wherever possible and keep your customers and team safe
  • Drastically reduce waiting time, customer dwell time, service department overheads and required service areas
  • Gain an out of hours parts drop and collection area
  • Rapidly and effectively increase your bottom line and profitability