
Protect Business Assets with a Keytracker Smart Locker

Use an Electronic Locker to secure your business devices. Gain more control over access to these valuable electronics.

More organisations are relying on handheld devices to perform a variety of tasks. From warehouse inventory management to customer support, devices have many functions. They are also often expensive and difficult to track.

An electronic safe locker is a perfect solution for securing, managing and tracking business devices. Any item that is valuable to your daily operations can be stored inside the locker.

The items are then loaned out to employees as needed, using the built-in touchscreen display. Each employee has their own login so that you can track who has borrowed each device and when the devices were borrowed.

These lockers help provide greater accountability. Expensive devices, tools, and equipment are less likely to get lost or stolen.

Using a locker does not slow down your operations. The interface is easy to use, allowing employees to quickly get the equipment that they require. In fact, these solutions are often faster than manual methods of checking out equipment.
With your own electronic locker, you get the flexibility to manage multiple handheld devices and equipment without the typical administrative challenges.

Personal Electronic and Charging Lockers

Besides business storage, you can use electronic lockers to provide BYOD solutions. When used in a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) mode, the lockers are configured for short-term, personal use. Individuals can use the locker for secure storage and charging of personal items.

These bring your own device management solutions are commonly implemented in retail locations and educational facilities. They can be used for almost any personal items. They may be used by staff, students, or the public, depending on the setting.

At Keytracker, we have more than 20 years of experience in providing dependable key management solutions for businesses and organisations of all sizes.

Besides our smart lockers, we have a great selection of electronic and mechanical key control solutions. We even have key control software, letting you monitor access to your key storage boxes and cabinets in real time.