
Keytracker Electronic Key Systems and Keytracker Smart Lockers solutions provide a fully detailed, auditable system

So you know exactly who has what item, when they took it and when the item was returned.

The Keytracker Smart Locker systems have unique and state-of-the-art RFID technology, smart charging facilities and provide secure storage for any type of device or equipment. The Keytracker Lockers intelligent software ensures all devices are charged before being removed by a student from the lockers.

“Life since the cabinet was installed has become much easier, no wasting valuable time searching for missing keys.”

“Keys are easily tracked and access to them can be continually monitored. Pleasingly the installation team gave us succinct training and were accommodating enough to work around our daytime schedule. In short a great product, I don’t know how we managed without it.” The headteacher at Wilkinson Primary School

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