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Venous Lake

Venous Lake

Venous-lake angiomas are dark blue papules caused by dilatation of veins. They present in sun-exposed areas of the body, particularly the ears of elderly patients or on the lips.

The average age at presentation is 65 years. They are probably more common in men than in women and are of little clinical significance, except that they can be confused with melanomas and pigmented basal cell carcinomas

Venous lake treatment

Images from left to right: Before, 2 days after 1st br, 4 weeks after 3 b

Diagnosis of a Venous lake

The lesion can be examined with a dermatoscope (an instrument which assists in close examination of the skin). Sometimes Venous-lake angioma may be confused with a malignant melanoma, if both are dark in colour and of recent origin. They can be differentiated by excision biopsy. Venous-lake angiomas are usually asymptomatic. The helix of the ears, face, and hands are other commonly affected areas. Once formed, a Venous lake persists throughout life. Except for occasional associated bleeding and cosmetic problems, the lesion’s course is uncomplicated

Treatment of Venous lake

Treatment may be requested for cosmetic reasons. The most common method to eliminate Venous-lake angioma include cryosurgery with liquid nitrogen, surgical excision, laser photocoagulation, laser vaporization, and infrared coagulation and sclerosing agents. Traditional techniques such as surgical excision is effective but leaves a scar.

Among this treatments, Laser therapy has become the mainstay of therapy. Published research demostrated that long-pulse neodymium YAG and pulse dye lasers are very effective, with a clearance rate of 94% after a single treatment. In this study no scarring or other complications were reported.

How does a laser treatment work?

The portability and low cost of the laser photocoagulation technique proves to be the safest and effective way to treat Venous-lake angioma. The technique is very simple. A laser beam is directed to the affected area; this beam is poorly absorbed by water but selectively absorbed by hemoglobin. Because of its poor absorption by water, the high-intensity laser penetrates into the tissue down to a depth of 4 to 5 mm. As it passes through the tissue, the laser beam generates heat when absorbed by haemoglobin and thus coagulates tissue in a process characterized as photocoagulation. Immediately after laser treatment, all patients develop slight swelling of the treated area that could last 1 to 2 days. Postoperative pain is minimal in most patients.

For more information about laser treatment for Venous lake in London contact us for a skin consultation

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  • Acne
  • Aktinic keratosis (rough skin lesions usually on head, neck, arms and hands due to sun damage)
  • Cysts
  • Eczema
  • Folliculitis
  • Fungal infections (skin, scalp, nails)
  • Hair problems (hair loss, hair shedding, unwanted hair, flaky scalp)
  • Hirsutism and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth)
  • Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Light sensitivity (polymorphic light eruption, lupus erythematosus)
  • Lumps and bumps (skin tags, warty lesions, cysts)
  • Milia (milk spots)
  • Moles
  • Melasma
  • Nail problems (fungal infections, abnormal looking or discoloured nails)
  • Pityriasis versicolor (yeast skin infection)
  • Rosacea
  • Skin cancer (bowen’s disease, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, melanoma)
  • Tinea (fungal skin or nail infection)
  • Urticaria (itchy weals)
  • Verrucas (viral warts)
  • Viral skin infections (herpes simplex virus, herpes zoster virus, “shingles”)
  • Vulval problems (itching, soreness, eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, lichen sclerosus)
  • Warts (viral and seborrhoeic)

Treatment Prices

Size Examples of popular combinations Full price 25% OFF
S Bikini + underarms£132£99
S/M Bikini + underarms + navel line + nipples£172£129
MFull legs£252£189
LFull legs + underarms +bikini£312£234
XLLegs + Underarms + bikini + arms£396£297
XXLLegs + arms + bikini+ underarms + buttocks£448 £336
Full Body 1Bikini + underarms + arms + legs + buttocks + face£492£369
Full Body 2All areas for a complete laser hair removal£532£399

The above are examples of popular combinations, for detailed prices look below or call 0207 607 5111

Size Description Full price 25% OFF

Face (any area or all)£132£99
SBikini + underarms£132£99
SLower legs£132£99
SUpper lip + Chin£132£99
S/MBikini + underarms + navel + nipples£172£129
S/MFace + back of the neck£172£129
S/MUpper lip + underarms + bikini£172£129
S/MFace + underarms£172£129
MFull legs£252£189
MBack + shoulders£252£189
MArms (any part or all)£252£189
MUnderarms + bikini + lower legs£252£189
MFace + bikini£252£189
LLegs + underarms + bikini£312£234
LBack + shoulders + upper arms£312£234
XLLegs + underarms + bikini + arms£396£297
XLBack + shoulders + full arms£396£297
XXLLegs + arms + bikini + underarms + buttocks£448£336
XXLLegs + arms + bikini + underarms + lower back£448£336
XXLBack + shoulders + half arms + chest + abs£448£336
Full Body 1Bikini + underarms + arms + legs + buttocks + face£492£369
Full Body 1Chest + abs + back + arms + face + neck£492£369
Full Body 2All areas for a complete laser hair removal£532£399

Consultation with Dr Bryan McDonald: £250
Dermatology follow up: £190
Dermatology procedures at the hospital: £600 to £1000

Treatment Price per session

Revlite or Regenlite Facial
Revlite or Regenlite Facial + Peel + LED£197
Revlite Nevus of Ota£150
Revlite body hair bleachingPrice per session
Small (e.g: upper arms)£132
Medium (e.g: full back)£252
Large (e.g: full back +upper arms)£312
XL (full back + full arms)£396
XXL (full back +full front + upper arms£448

Treatment Price
Venous lake£197
Cherry Angiomas£197
One session price: £197

EndyMedSingle session25% off

Fractional Skin Resurfacing

ElectrolysisSingle sessionDiscount 25% off
Millia or skin tags£150
Laser Treatment: £170
We specialise in genital warts and treat all others types also except plantar warts (verrucas)
Before the laser treatment a letter of diagnosis from a GP or a Dermatologist is needed.

One session price: £197